Soft pencils, rulers with fancy edges, and all-in-one colored pens – think about it when solving today’s school-inspired word search.
Image Credit: Pixabay / Stevepb
It’s not Thursday yet, but we still think the nostalgic stationery deserves a quick comeback. Schoolchildren have been particularly avid protectors of their newly purchased fruit-scented pencil sharpeners, rubbers, and gel pen sets. We fully sympathize as a black and yellow Staedtler pencil, freshly sharpened and out of the box, was still on loan with a reluctant tug at the time.
Click start to play today’s word search, where words like “chalkboard” and “glue stick” take you on a trip down memory lane.
Tablets and whiteboards altered much of that 1990s school experience. The stationery that we absolutely got rid of in our possession is pretty much old fashioned. Imagine a kid carrying a soft rubber pencil (how did we even sharpen these?) In its case today – so not cool. Sleek, color-coordinated designs featured on popular study blogs are all the rage now.
Let’s take a look at five old-fashioned school supplies that make us wish we were back in class:
1. Stackable pencils
Also impractical and susceptible to shattering, stackable pencils have mysteriously appeared in every nook and cranny. There was one in the teacher’s pen holder, a few more hidden under the student desks, and then when you got home you found a single stackable buried deep in your book bag.
With a sheer glitter body and matching color rubber on top, a stackable or multi-point pencil could have been all the rage. When a pointer got dull, you could swap it out with a sharp feather by sticking the old one on the back. But as soon as a pointer got lost, your pencil was almost useless.
2. Scented glitter pens

Glitter Scented Gel Pens
Image Credit: Flickr / Marco Verch
Filling out a friend’s birthday card or slam book without a trusty glitter pen was unacceptable. A few select students owned a set because they were a bit expensive, especially the ones that came with silver and purple pens. Everything you wrote instantly gained in value, all because your post now smelled like grapes and shone with light.
3. Crank pencil sharpeners
Everyone knows that a crank pencil sharpener gives you the strongest, sharpest pencil lead. You were lucky if your homeroom teacher had one on his desk. Not only did they sharpen pencils the best, but they were also fun to crank, to the point that your stationery would come out half the size if you weren’t paying close attention.
4. Metal geometry box
Whipping one up during math class to measure your angles with a protractor was always cool. Unused squares later became alternatives to misplaced rulers. Many other items were rarely used, but the Compulsory Geometry Box gave kids extra rubber, a pencil sharpener, and a pencil case. A victory !
5. Threatening pencil and ink rubber
One side of the rubber was for pencils, but did the other coarse end really erase ink? We tested it several times and left with torn pages.
What other stationery did you use in school? Play today’s word search and tell us at