The next Google? The decentralized search engine “Presearch” leaves the test phase


The decentralized search engine Presearch, a potential alternative to Google, is coming out of the testing phase, allowing it to answer more search queries across the world.

Presearch officially moved from its Testnet to a mainnet today. This means that all search traffic through the service now passes through Presearch’s decentralized network of volunteer-run nodes.

“The decentralized network will now process over 5 million daily private searches with the ability to scale to hundreds of millions,” Presearch said in the announcement.(Opens in a new window). The Canadian company has also adopted a new domain for the search engine at in a new window) whereas before, it used as its main landing page.

Presearch attempts to compete with Google by creating a search engine without collecting user data. To achieve this, the search engine uses volunteer-operated computers called “nodes” to aggregate search results for each query. Nodes are then rewarded with a blockchain-based token for processing search results.

The result is a community-driven, decentralized search engine that’s also designed to strip the user’s private information with every search request. Everyone can also volunteer(Opens in a new window) to turn their personal computer or virtual server into a node.

In a blog post(Opens in a new window), Presearch said the transition to the mainnet promises to make the search engine more fluid by harnessing more of the computing power of its volunteer nodes. “We now have the ability for node operators to contribute computing resources, be rewarded for their contributions, and have the network automatically distribute those resources to locations and tasks that require processing,” the company said. society.

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“The second reason why Mainnet is a breakthrough is that due to geographic distribution, the speed of performing searches for global users will improve due to greater proximity between searchers and the computing resources to which they will accede,” he added.

Presearch was launched on its Testnet in October 2020, and since then the search engine has attracted 3.8 million registered users. It currently has over 64,000 volunteer nodes, which are gradually moving from Testnet to Mainnet.

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