The most wanted jobs according to the Google search engine


People search for everything on Google, including information about the ideal job, and thanks to this data, it is possible to create a list of what is most sought after in the world of work by the population.

At Google, they analyzed search trends to get a sense of what drove many people to leave their jobs in the United States in 2021 in search of other opportunities, a trend they call the “Big Resignation” of 2021.

Many people have searched around the world for “how to quit your job”, and many have also searched for “how to become”, such as “how to become an astronaut” and other expressions that help to know what is most searched. in this regard.

From January 2021 to January 2022, here’s what followed »how to become“:

– Real estate agent
– Flight attendant
– Notary
– Therapist
– Pilot
– Firefighter
– Personal trainer
– Psychiatrist
– Physiotherapist
– Electrical Technician

They looked at trends in the United States, where they saw different trends in different states. People in the South and Midwest were interested in becoming notaries, while those in the Northeast, North Midwest, and West were interested in careers in real estate.

They also analyzed search trends related to professional certifications and training programs:

– Google Data Analytics professional certificate
– NCMA certified
– Child Development Associate Certification
– Eyelash technician training program
– electrician training program
– real estate training program
– barber training program

As you can see, by analyzing Google data, it is possible to find information that can be very interesting for governments, since it is possible to create training programs that feed the working environment with what the people really want.


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