Kudan: A white paper advocating the Metaverse concept and new trends through step-by-step development is now available



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February 24and2022

Kudan inc.

A white paper advocating the concept of Metaverse

and new trends through step-by-step development are now available

Kudan Inc. (Headquarters in Shibuya-ku; CEO Daiu Ko; hereinafter “Kudan”), a leading provider of Simultaneous Location and Mapping (SLAM) solutions across multiple industries and applications, is pleased to announce that we published a white paper titled “The World Beyond the Metaverse ~Machine Perception Enables Merging of Human and Machine~”.

In this white paper, Kudan will decipher the concept of Metaverse through its overview of technological evolution, and we will present Kudan’s strategic initiatives.

In this white paper, Kudan gives an overview of the metaverse concept, which has become a major trend and focus of attention around the world, advocates new trends and future possibilities with the step-by-step development of the metaverse. , and discusses the strategic position of Kudan’s Artificial Perception Technology (SLAM).

About Kudan Inc.

Kudan (Tokyo Stock Exchange Securities Code: 4425) is a high-tech research and development company specializing in artificial perception (AP) algorithms. In addition to artificial intelligence (AI), AP functions allow machines to develop their autonomy. Currently, Kudan uses its high-level technical innovation to explore business areas based on its own established deep technology stage models that have far-reaching impact on several major industrial fields.

For more information, please visit Kudan’s website at https://www.kudan.io/.

■ Company Details

Name: Kudan Inc.

Securities Code: 4425

Representative: CEO Daiu Ko

■For more details, please contact us from here.

The world beyond the metaverse

~ Artificial perception enables the fusion of man and machine ~


Metaverse is a concept proposed as “a three-dimensional virtual space and its services built on computers and computer networks”. It continues to become a buzzword with global companies changing their company name to something related to the concept.

In this article, we will decipher the background and future of Metaverse through an overview of technological evolution, and we will present Kudan’s strategic initiatives.

To present

The outline of this document is as follows

  • The “mechanization of humans” and the “humanization of machines” are two major trends in technology.
  • The metaverse has so far been an AR/VR metaverse for the
    “mechanization of humans”, but it can be extended to a robotic metaverse for “humanization of machines”.
  • The two metaverses will be integrated in the future, focusing on the core technology of “coupling human space and machine space”.
  • To this end, spatial coupling is needed for everything from augmented reality/virtual reality to robotics, and the highly independent and versatile technology provided by Kudan will be needed.

Figure: Proposed Metaverse integration and extension

Trends in technology development

One perspective from which to view technology is the axis between humans and machines. When we look at history from the perspective of humans and machines acquiring each other’s characteristics and growing closer to each other, the

the tech industry has always developed in a way that either matches the

“mechanization of humans” or “humanization of machines”.

(The term “machine” here includes not only motorized mechanical devices, but also intelligent computers and robots.)

For example, the development of the Internet and social networking services from the telephone and telegraph in the past can be referred to as the “mechanization of humans” in the sense that communication and human relations are shifted to the digital world. On the other hand, the shift from the industrial revolution to artificial intelligence can be seen as the “humanization of machines” in the sense that machines gained power, intelligence and other abilities than humans. possess.

The metaverse, as it is commonly proposed, is in line with and accelerating the “mechanization of humans” by transferring human consciousness and experience to the digital world. So, the metaverse as a buzzword is the latest concept of

“human mechanization”.

On the other hand, the latest “machine humanization” concept can be

seen as robotics and autonomous driving. These trends are opposite

to the metaverse, as machines gain a higher level of ability to render human

decisions and actions.

Spatial coupling

Seen from the perspective of humans and machines approaching each other

other, an essential technological element both for “human mechanization” and

“the humanization of the machine” emerges. It is the “coupling of human space and

machine space.

In what follows, we will see how the coupling of space occurs in both “human mechanization” and “humanization of the machine”.

Spatial coupling in “human mechanization”

So far, “real space where humans exist” and “digital space where machines process” have been established separately. For example, the image seen from the monitor of a computer game and the actual space of the room where the game is played have not been linked.

The metaverse, on the other hand, combines spaces that have been separated for humans and machines to accelerate the “mechanization of humans” through the digitization of entertainment experiences. For example, in a computer game based on the Metaverse, through a headset the CG world of the game pops out of the monitor and provides an experience that swallows the real space of the room where the game is playing.

This allows the user to immerse themselves in the CG and see and move around the virtual world, as the virtual world appears to the user in conjunction with the user moving around the room, giving the user the feeling that the real space and the digital space are connected.

In this case, it is important that real space (the real space in which humans move) and digital space (the CG space in which machines process information) are smoothly synchronized in real time, and that a highly realistic user experience is based on the advanced spatial coupling technology.

There are two types of metaverse: one is called virtual reality (VR), in which virtual space completely replaces real space, and the other is called augmented reality (AR), in which virtual space replaces real space while partially retaining real space. Since AR and VR operate on the same principle of spatial coupling, the currently commonly offered metaverse can be called a “AR/VR basedmetaverse.”

Spatial coupling in the “humanization of machines”

The same kind of “coupling of human space and machine space” is essential in the “humanization of machines” such as robotics and autonomous driving.

For example, in computer games with car racing, it is easy to simulate driving by the computer. Indeed, processing information in the digital space is all that is needed to complete the simulation.

On the other hand, it becomes extremely difficult to drive a car automatically in a real urban environment. In automated driving, there are two spaces, the digital space where the computer processes and the real space where the car drives, and it is necessary to connect the two.

More precisely, as long as the digital space processed by the computer and the real spatial information in which the car actually drives are not synchronized (that is, as long as the spatial information indicating the position and posture in constant changes in the car and the environment (the environment is not updated in real time), no matter how sophisticated the computer’s driving simulation, it will not be able to detect driving conditions. actual driving. (i.e. unless the spatial information that indicates the ever-changing position and orientation of the car’s surroundings is updated in real time

This is an excerpt from the original content. To continue reading it, go to the original document here.


Kudan inc. published this content on February 24, 2022 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by publicunedited and unmodified, on February 24, 2022 07:31:04 UTC.

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