iRealities Technologies, which has an experience of around 25 years in developing digital interfaces, has introduced a new futuristic concept in which to make interfaces attractive and smart. This concept focuses more on human-computer interfacing, such as virtual human-human and more human-computer interfacing. They eliminated the machine part by accentuating it to become the interface between the human and the virtual/digital human.
The machine has always been there between the company and the user, thus eliminating it and converting the company into a digital human. This revolutionary concept converts the company into a digital human as it enters the era of artificial intelligence.
By bringing intelligence to the interface, iRealities Technologies understands the business itself; it will also help increase the organization’s engagement with customers. Rather than leaving the information to the judgment of the customer, understanding the network effect and neural networks can show customers how an experienced attendant can guide them through the information and make it more relevant to them. Beyond persuasion, where the user can only be influenced from the outside, intelligence now holds the hand of the user. Inside the user’s journey is a smart interface.
Founder of iRealities Technologies, Prasad Ajgaonkar said, “Every aspect of our personal or professional life is quantified and recognized. On the other hand, the digital first generation is so multitasking that they lack time and attention. »
He further added that “in this world of time abundance and time scarcity, businesses have only one choice and that is to make access to their information smart, this requires looking at the interface. user with a different perspective. At iRealities, we are ready to meet this challenge thanks to our experience in building digital interfaces over the past 25 years. We have always been the first to introduce new interfacing modes in the country, and the smart digital interface is the next step.”
Better user engagement and building trust with end users through proper interaction, better user experience, convenience and decision support as filling out a tedious form and adjusting questions based on user responses. are all benefits of the Conversational UI. Cross-platform integration and compatibility creates seamless progression and allows for customization.
Manjusha Raut, Product Evangelist of iRealities Technologies, says, “We are creating natural language communication where the way you talk to a company representative, you can talk to company websites or apps. There is therefore natural language processing which is an integral part of the Intelligent Digital Interface. Just as the individual (sales representative or customer support) uses their wisdom to impart the right kind of information to understand customer needs, interfaces also convert knowledge into wisdom and deliver the right information. It helps the customer and the information seeker to go to the right place which is its benefit along with the organization. »
With a set of solutions, it’s groundbreaking innovation that understands customers on a personal level that helps create micro-personalized products and services.